Well into his solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, an unnamed man wakes to find that his boat has collided with a floating shipping container. This very quickly escalates into a story of survival, improvising and staring mortality in the face.

The sailor uses all his ingenuity, courage and grit to keep going as disaster follows disaster: storms, dwindling resources, injuries and sharks (of course). Your interpretation of the ending would be interesting to hear.

If you had told me that I was about to watch a film with one actor, next to no dialogue, a script of just 32 pages and the same basic set for one hour and forty six minutes, (a small boat in the sea), I may not have been too keen. However, when that the actor is Robert Redford, then I’m all in and I wasn’t disappointed.  Redford, one of the biggest film stars of all time was 77 when he made this. This is how you do it.

Director: J C Chandor

Cast: Robert Redford


1 hour 46 min