Ever seen a crime story told in reverse before? Then this inventive thriller is one to watch. The story of a bank robbery gone wrong and three hapless small-town criminals, but all told backwards, reversing day by day, a week following the local sheriff’s investigation. Rest assured though, it is not confusing. Fans of The Office will see Rainn Wilson in a very different role.

In 2009, this was on the Black List for “most liked” unmade script in Hollywood. Why did it take so long to make this dark comedy? It has a bit of a Fargo (1996) vibe although never reaches those heights. It paints rather a bleak picture of small-town America. Everyone seems unfulfilled but no one has worked out to escape to something better. Well, that is, until our three anti-heroes hatch a plan to pull off a heist under the nose of local sheriff, Zeke Sykes. And the trouble in any small town is that everybody knows everybody else and, worse still, everyone also knows your business.

This is fun, not too long and delivers a surprising ending after a few red herrings.

Certificate: 15
1 hour 26 min
Director: Oren Uziel
Cast: Benjamin Walker, Rainn Wilson, Stephanie Sigman