Probably the least well-known of the Airplane / Naked Gun team’s movies, mainly because it’s mishmash of two particular genres – the cold war spy movie and the Elvis / rock star movie (hardly a natural pairing) and so it does lack the definition of the others not least in a somewhat confusing sense of what period it’s set in. But it’s an interesting conglomeration of ideas nonetheless, with a less than coherent plot (does that matter? – no!) and reams of the usual Zucker, Abrahams & Zucker puns, audio and sight gags, innuendo, slapstick and just plain messing around. So why recommend this one over some of the other ZAZ movies? Well, chiefly because you probably haven’t heard of it – it was released at roughly the same time as Ghostbusters and Gremlins so did prettty poorly in box office terms; it was a Val Kilmer’s first feature film; it has weird Peter Cushing and Omar Sharif cameos that are worth it on their own, but because it’s chaotically good fun which has something for everyone, and deserves to be better known than it is.

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