Filmed in a mockumentary, found-footage style, this movie is constructed as the testimony of three (or is it four?) film students who pursue rumours of a man-eating bear attacking people in Norway’s far northern outback country. The students soon find themselves on the trail of a strange, uncommunicative hunter who seems to be tracking some animal or other, and eventually they come across him right in the middle of his pursuit, not of a bear as it turns out, but of course, of a troll. During the pursuit the troll trashes their car (a rather nifty little Mark 1 Golf) and so they are forced to throw in their lot directly with the Troll Hunter.
The movie pays homage to all of the traditional troll-related tropes (trolpes?) – living under bridges, their dislike of day or bright light, and their ability to sniff God-fearing prey out by the smell of its blood. When a new, Muslim, camera operator arrives the students ask whether Trolls can smell Muslim blood the same way as Christians’? Foxed by the theological implication of this, “Let’s see how it goes” is the Troll Hunter’s reply.
Prime / YouTube (subtitles- Norwegian)